Transforming Rochester 97

Monday, March 26, 2018

We look at the history of Midtown Plaza, where it was, how it got to where it is now, and what are we going to do with Parcel 5. (Picture from

Transforming Rochester 96

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

It's budget season again and the City wants your opinion.  Or do they?  There is also a new Tenant's Union forming in Rochester.  How can we help people living in awful apartments?

Transforming Rochester 95

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

City Council is coming up Tuesday, March 20th.  Call 311 to sign up to Speak to Council at 6:30pm.  There's good stuff & bad on tap at the meeting.  We also discuss an idea to help with Food Justice in Rochester.  There's a lot of vacant land in the city.  Why not use it to grow food where there's food apartheid?

Transforming Rochester 94

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

To focus on public safety, we shouldn't just be focusing on policing.  We should decriminalize marijuana, create jobs for teenagers and young adults, expand recreation, and provide housing for the homeless.  At the same time, police should be retrained to use more restorative methods and there should be follow-up with people who use police services with resources.  Also, the Roc the River concept is government corruption and incompetence at its finest.  You have to hear this to believe it.

Transforming Rochester 93

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Quick updates on previous topics: Cobbs Hill & swapping public land.  The City is giving us contaminated park land.  Ways to deal with our gun problem that the mainstream media isn't discussing.  We're being ripped off by our electricity companies.  What can we do about it?

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...on Transforming Rochester on Rochester Free Radio. You can see when it's on at the Rochester Free Radio show schedule.

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