Transforming Rochester 127

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The "winners" of the Amazon Hunger Games has been announced and we're going to be paying for it for a long time.  There's a local example of that trickle-down economics in Rochester that doesn't trickle down.  The closing of the local Thompson-Reuters office gets us talking about cooperatives.

Transforming Rochester 126

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

We do a quick election recap then discuss the ways the new Democratic majority in the NYS Senate

can help Rochester.  Included are foundational aid for our schools, single payer health care, jobs, and more.  Alex also has a Veterans Day message.

Transforming Rochester 125

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Alex is joined by Peter Kline to interview Attorney General Candidate Michael Sussman.  We also talk about the upcoming City Council meeting: the good, the weird, and the ugly.  Call 311 to sign up to speak to Council.

Transforming Rochester 124

Thursday, November 1, 2018

We explain the controversy at the Rochester Housing Center and what could be done to RHA to focus on home ownership rather than renting.  This includes single house ownership, condos, and cooperative housing.  And we revisit tiny houses to solve our homelessness problem  There is a perfect opportunity to use this in Rochester, if only someone would take advantage of it.

Listen to Alex...

...on Transforming Rochester on Rochester Free Radio. You can see when it's on at the Rochester Free Radio show schedule.

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