Transforming Rochester 123

Thursday, October 25, 2018

We talk about Participatory Budgeting.  What is it, how does it work, why should we be doing it, and how can it get started in Rochester?  We also look at the City Charter.  How can we change it to give us such things as a more representative City Council, Ranked Choice Voting, & non-partisan elections.

Transforming Rochester 122

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Litter in Rochester sucks.  We explain why it's important and how we can make things better.  We also explain why we should be working to create more home ownership.

Transforming Rochester 121

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Elaine Johnson, Nate Baldo, & Jim Tiefenthal join us to tell us about the Witness Palestine Film Festival taking place in Rochester October 8 - 29th.  Info on all of the events are at

Transforming Rochester 120

City Council is coming up on Tuesday, October 16th.  Call 311 to get on the list to Speak to Council. They're going to be signing off on Intermunicipality Agreements, accepting some grant money and the usual questionable development spending.  We also revisit restorative justice.  What do we have now and what else should we have?

Listen to Alex...

...on Transforming Rochester on Rochester Free Radio. You can see when it's on at the Rochester Free Radio show schedule.

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